Oct 19, 2009

Amazon.com Larger Font Bookmarklet

I like to read book reviews in Amazon.com with iPhone.
Amazon.com show optimized pages for iPhone.
I think its font size is so small.
Then I made a bookmarklet.

Amazon.com larger font bookmarklet

You can view pages with larger font when you run this bookmarklet.

var e = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
var n = e.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
e[i].style.fontSize = '14px';

Oct 12, 2009

Making Web Application with Haskell #3

I make a web application with Haskell.
It's a simple application.
You input your name, then the application output your name.
See below.

The other day I made the application with Network.CGI.
Today I make it with Text.XHtml wich is included in GHC.

import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml

inputForm :: Html
inputForm = form << [paragraph << "Who are you?",
textfield "name",
submit "" "send"]

greet :: String -> Html
greet n = h1 << ("Hello, " ++ n ++ "!")

page :: String -> Html -> Html
page t b = header << thetitle << t +++ body << b

cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = do name <- getInput "name"
let x = maybe inputForm greet name
output $ renderHtml $ page "Hello" x

main :: IO ()
main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain

This code is simpler than the previous code.

Oct 9, 2009

Making Web Application with Haskell #2

I make a web application with Haskell.
It's a simple application.
You input your name, then the application output your name.
See below.

The other day I made the application without any library.
Today I make it with Network.CGI wich is included in GHC.

import Network.CGI

inputForm :: String -> String
inputForm script = concat [
"<form action=\"", script, "\" method=\"GET\">",
"<p>Who are you?</p>",
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" />",
"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"send\" />",

putName :: String -> String
putName name = concat ["<h1>Hello, ", name, "!</h1>"]

body :: Maybe String -> String -> String
body name script =
case name of
Just x -> putName x
Nothing -> inputForm script

html :: Maybe String -> String -> String
html name script = concat [
body name script,

cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = do
setHeader "Content-type" "text/html; charset = UTF-8"
script <- scriptName
name <- getInput "name"
output $ html name script

main :: IO ()
main = runCGI (handleErrors cgiMain)


Oct 7, 2009

Making Web Application with Haskell #1

I make a web application with Haskell.
It's a simple application.
You input your name, then the application output your name.
See below.

Today I make the application without any library.
I use standard input and output.

import System.Environment

inputForm :: String -> String
inputForm script = concat [
"<form action=¥"", script, "¥" method=¥"GET¥">",
"<p>Who are you?</p>",
"<input type=¥"text¥" name=¥"name¥" />",
"<input type=¥"submit¥" value=¥"send¥" />",

getName :: String -> String
getName q = drop 5 q

main = do
putStrLn "Content-type: text/html; charset = UTF-8¥n"
putStrLn "<html>"
putStrLn "<head><title>Hello</title></head>"
putStrLn "<body>"
script <- getEnv "SCRIPT_NAME"
query <- getEnv "QUERY_STRING"
case query of
"" -> putStrLn $ inputForm script
_ -> putStrLn $ concat ["<h1>Hello, ", getName query, "!</h1>"]
putStrLn "</body>"
putStrLn "</html>"


Oct 3, 2009

Sum from 1 to 10 without loop

Can you sum from 1 to 10 without loop? It's a programming quiz which is in now in Japan.

You may solve it with inject method in Ruby.

puts (1..10).inject(:+)

Is it not interesting? Then, I write it with continuation.

n, s = callcc {|$c| [1, 0] }
n, s = $c.call [n.succ, n + s] if n <= 10
puts s

Additionally, you can use recursion without loop.