static int[] QuickSort(int[] a, int c)
if (a.Length == 0) return a;
if (c == 0) return a;
int p = a[0];
int l = 0;
int h = 0;
int[] lo = new int[a.Length];
int[] hi = new int[a.Length];
for (int i = 1; i < c; i++)
if (a[i] < p)
lo[l++] = a[i];
hi[h++] = a[i];
lo = QuickSort(lo, l);
lo[l++] = p;
hi = QuickSort(hi, h);
for (int i = 0; l < lo.Length; i++)
lo[l++] = hi[i];
return lo;
Too difficult.
qsort [] = []
qsort (p:xs) = qsort lt ++ [p] ++ qsort gteq
lt = [x | x <- xs, x < p]
gteq = [x | x <- xs, x >= p]
Very simple.
C# with Enumerable
static IEnumerableQuickSort(IEnumerable a)
if (a.Count() == 0) return a;
int p = a.First();
var xs = a.Skip(1);
var lo = xs.Where(y => y < p);
var hi = xs.Where(y => y >= p);
return QuickSort(lo).Concat(new[] { p }).Concat(QuickSort(hi));
This code get close to Haskell's one.
1 comment:
Why not use filter instead of list comprehension in the Haskell command?
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort (filter (>= x) xs)
I guess filter simply hides the comprehension behind a higher level function but it does make shorter code!
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